Monthly Archives: May 2013

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Php Variables

PHP VariablesFor any programming language variables are act as and storing unit / container that stores some information.Php variables always starts with the dollar ($) symbol and followed by the variable name, actually $ symbol represents the preprocessor.These Variable contains the value of its latest last assignment and will be updated if any new assignment occurred.
Php Variables can be declare as follows ” $variable_name “.

Php Variables naming conventios

  • A php variable must only starts with a letter or underscore (eg.$ _phpvariable , $phpvariable).
  • A php variable can only contains alphabets, numeric characters and underscores. (eg. $php_variable , $php011). More
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Php Comments

PHP Comments

In any programming language it may be php, java, html or any other programming language, commenting is the most basic requirement to optimize your code for future use.Comments in between your code not only make this snippet understandable to you but also may help others to understand your code .If after an year you needs to edit in your code then only comments can give you the same thinking as you had when you code this before an year.
Comments are very good practice during your code it can reduce your maintenance efforts. Php supports mainly two type of comments.

  1. Single Line Comment
  2. Multi line comment More
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Basic Php Syntrax

basic php syntax

Before create first php syntax we have to understand about the php server configuration, The php server configuration can be shows by configuration page.

Configuratin page

Php provides a method that is  <?php phpinfo(); ?> , this method creates an html page that contains all the information about your php version that you have installed , how you have configure your php.ini file, what database you have and so many other information . More