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PHP Operators

php-operatorsPhp operators and expressions
Php operators are punctuation symbols that process operands and produce corresponding values, While a snippet contains operands along with some operators is known as php expression. A php expression may contains variables and some constants.
Mainly php has six types of operator are as follows

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Incrementing/Decrementing Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Array Operators


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Php String Handling

php string handlingPhp String is a sequence of character with a sensible meaning. In any programming language string manipulation and string handling has a wide role. In case of php all the output comes after php execution are in the form of string hence string handling in php is a most important concept  in php programming.

Php string can be used in following  types.

  • Echo
  • Print
  • Heredoc

To print a string at a php generated page echo is a most largely used construct, Because of echo is an language construct so that parentheses are also not required. Echo can be used  with single quotes and echo with double quotes. More

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Php Variables

PHP VariablesFor any programming language variables are act as and storing unit / container that stores some information.Php variables always starts with the dollar ($) symbol and followed by the variable name, actually $ symbol represents the preprocessor.These Variable contains the value of its latest last assignment and will be updated if any new assignment occurred.
Php Variables can be declare as follows ” $variable_name “.

Php Variables naming conventios

  • A php variable must only starts with a letter or underscore (eg.$ _phpvariable , $phpvariable).
  • A php variable can only contains alphabets, numeric characters and underscores. (eg. $php_variable , $php011). More