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PHP Introduction

php-introductionPHP is created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, and now Php is an world’s largest most popular server side scripting language. Php used to produce dynamic web pages Php is the first server side scripting language that can embedded into HTML document.

PHP Highlights:-

  • Php stands for : Hypertext Preprocessor or Personal Home Page.
  • Php is an server side scripting language.
  • Php can support almost all databases (Most of the developers prefer MySql).
  • Php is an open source software hence free to download.
  • Php not required any kind of liscence to use.

How to use Php ? Php can be used in three ways :

Php as server side scripting language .

Php said to be server side scripting language because it process the user’s request at the server side and send back the response to the client’s browser. Php specially used to generate dynamic web content, to generate html content php requires php parser and a server to send html content to the browser as per the user’s request.

Php as client side GUI applications.

Php widely used to generate client side GUI applications just because of php supports almost all databases and servers such as apache , netscape etc. PHP runs on all major operating systems, from Unix variants including Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris to Windows and Mac OS X. Hence php can easily used to generate client side applications. Php also provides an library to perform common tasks known as Php extension and application repository (PEAR). PEAR is an framework that is used to support reausable components..

Php as Command line scripting :

Php also can run scripts through command line , Mostly used for administrator tasks or may be used to take backup and log parser.